Marks of Piety

The Path of Piety

Last week I attended a doctoral seminar led by Dr. Stephen Yuille at The Institution on “Theological Foundations for Biblical Spirituality.” The seminar was full of lively discussion and hearty reflection.

One of the more sticky takeaways for me was when Dr. Yuille provided a list of eleven “Marks of Spirituality.” His explanation of each was brief and biblical. This list would be useful for elders as they pray and labor for maturity in their congregations.

11 Characteristics of Biblical Spirituality

  1. Founded upon union with Christ.
  2. Expressed in Spirit-empowered activity.
  3. Concerned with being truly human (Christ is the model and motive for humanity).
  4. Opposed to a disembodied spirituality.
  5. Shaped in an ecclesiastical community.
  6. Committed to the temporal priority of the mind (true spirituality doesn’t bypass the mind).
  7. Fueled by a spirit of thanksgiving.
  8. Refined in the crucible of suffering.
  9. Rooted in an eschatological hope.
  10. Nurtured in a posture of prayer.
  11. Cultivated through the sacramental word.