10 Priorities of a Faithful Pastor

Pastoral Ministry

Every pastor needs a few trusted friends. Friends that help him stay focused on the glorious task of ministry; friends that protect him from the myriad responsibilities sucking away his attention to that which is of first importance. These friends show up at just the right time and know how to offer just the right encouragement.

Biblical priorities play this kind of role in the life of a pastor. They are some of the most trustworthy friends a pastor can have.

Just yesterday I found myself nine hours into my workday and thought, “Wow, I have done a lot today.” And then I thought, “Wow, I haven’t done anything today.” I managed to complete a large number of administrative tasks, but had spent little time in the word and prayer. I don’t wish to erect a false dichotomy for I know that administration is necessary to faithful ministry. Nevertheless, I am sure you know what I am getting at.

I wish these days weren’t as common as they are, but they are. Maybe you are like me.

So at the end of the day I decided to have a brief meeting with the pastoral priorities revealed 1 Timothy 4, some of my best friends in ministry. These friends help put flesh on the skeleton of faithful ministry. I am sure you can break up the passage differently than I do, but my study of 4:6-16 reveals ten priorities of a faithful pastor:

  1. He trains himself in sound doctrine (4:6).
  2. He has nothing to do with useless and vain discussion (4:7).
  3. He trains himself for godliness (4:7).
  4. He sets his attention on the things of eternity (4:8).
  5. He fixes his hope on the living God (4:9).
  6. He sets an example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (4:12).
  7. He devotes himself to preaching and public reading Scripture (4:13).
  8. He employs his Christ-given gifts (4:14).
  9. His makes tangible progress in sanctification (4:15).
  10. He persists in watching his life and doctrine (4:16).

These priorities are friends to have around at all times. They will help fix your attention on gospel ministry and lift your gaze from earthly things to heavenly things. Simply put, they will point you to Christ.

Trustworthy friends indeed.