Preaching’s Difficult Distinction

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One of the most difficult distinctions in preaching is arguably its most vital.

It is the distinction of preaching at the sheep versus preaching among the sheep. I have never seen anyone put the distinction into words because it seems so hard to do, but every Christian intuitively knows the difference.

When a preacher is preaching at the sheep, there is a sense of distance between shepherd and sheep. This may result from tone, content, or movement, but the overall sense from the congregation and their leader is one of separation. Preaching at the sheep can still be true and clear (and be mightily multiplied by the Spirit), it just appears to fall short of the heart-searching ideal. Size makes no difference here; you can preach at 500 sheep and preach at 5 sheep.

When a preacher is preaching among the sheep, there is a sense of nearness between shepherd and sheep. The congregation senses the pastor is preaching to them because he is with them. Such a sense also can result from tone, content, or movement, but I believe there is a deeper reality behind this kind of preaching.It’s the reality of pastoral love. This Pastoral love is why size makes no difference on this side of the equation either; mega-pastors and house church pastors regularly preach among the sheep.

Pastoral love fuels preaching among the sheep because the shepherd has a biblical and emotional interest in their growth. It may just be my experience, but the times where my preaching was (and at times still is) more “at than among” were times when I was eager to be known as a great preacher. Therefore, I stood on stage and spoke at people, anxious to grow my reputation more so than the hearts of my hearers. A loving pastor will have a particular concern in his preaching for the sheep entrusted to his care, a love that will display itself in how he preaches. His love for them means he wants the text to grow their hearts just as it has grown his heart during preparation. Thus, when it comes time to preach, he is only sharing his heart, as explained and applied through the text, with all the authority, clarity, and boldness he must.

This weekend countless pastors will ascend to the sacred desk and preach. May it be preaching among the sheep.
