3 Endeavors for 2014

2014 Endeavors

Few men of old have impacted my life so profoundly as Jonathan Edwards. It all began in the spring of 2007.

On a whim I purchased George Marsden’s Jonathan Edwards: A Life from a nearby Christian bookstore. As strange as it may seem for those who know me well, and in light of yesterday’s post, Marsden’s biography was the first “Christian” book longer than 200 pages I had ever read.

It took me quite a while to finish the book, the pace was caterpillar-ish when contrasted to how I read seven years later, but I have never been the same since. Apart from Scripture no other book as effected me in a myriad of significant ways like this one.

It was the gateway into deeper study of Edwards.

It was the gateway into loving the Puritans.

It was the gateway into a near obsession with history.

And it was the gateway into a disciplined pursuit of holiness.

This last one is what struck me most about Edwards, his staggering, soul-consuming pursuit of holiness, and thus happiness, in God. I doubt anything encapsulates his passion for godliness like those famous Resolutions. After reading them I had a strange bifurcation of the soul. One part of my heart fell into utter despair, “What a miserably lazy worm I am!” But the other part, and honestly the major part, raced with excitement, “Yes! Amen! Now, that’s a life spent pursuing God.” And so it was that I pulled out my laptop and tapped away my own list of desires for The Fight. I called them “Endeavors.”

Some day I might publish those original ones, but for now you should know that as every year begins I have a couple new, often time-capped, Endeavors that find their way onto the list. Here are the three Endeavors I have for 2014:


First, I endeavor to memorize 1 Timothy. Few things stir my soul to consistently dwell in doxological deeps like Bible memory. In 2011 I memorized Ephesians and Colossians and have spent the last two years trying to make sure I retain them. I think I am now ready to move on to the next book and it was always going to be 1 Timothy. Paul’s letter to his “true child in the faith” has long been a go-to resource for pastoral ministry and I want to write it on my heart.

Second, I endeavor to read the collected works of George Swinnock and the magnum opus of Isaac Ambrose. This is a good example of what I mean by a “time-capped” Endeavor. In the past couple of years I have chosen a few older and longer works to meditatively nibble on throughout the year. This year its the five-volume collection from Swinnock and Ambrose’s Looking Unto Jesus. 8 pages per day in the former and 2 in the latter will have ’em likely done sometime in November.

Third, I endeavor to personally evangelize at least one person a month. Some may say, and be right to say, that this hope is porous. It’s too small. Or, “You don’t do that already?!?” I usually find it best to put the peanut gallery on mute, especially in areas like this. Simply put, I want to become a better personal evangelist. My calling demands it and my God deserves it. I am praying that the Spirit would empower me unto faithfulness and fruitfulness in evangelism. Maybe one day I might be like the venerable Mack Stiles who says it’s rare for a couple days to pass without at least one evangelistic conversation.

So, in the year of our Lord 2014, these are my Edwardsian endeavors. Anyone want to join me on the journey?

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