When the Preacher Hears a Sermon

Hearing Preaching

One of the greatest things a pastor can do is sit under the preaching of God’s word. It’s also one of the hardest.

The difficulty, for many pastors, is their tendency to hear a sermon with critical ears. They are quick to point out where the exegesis was wrong or how the delivery was less than desirable. And many guys I know where this as a badge of ministerial honor. But is it really a good thing? I think not.

What is good is hearing and receiving God’s word with discernment, which is a very different thing than receiving it with criticism. The line between discernment can criticism can be quite fine, but it is nevertheless one on which we would do well to faithfully tread.

I am in the midst of a two week stretch of not preaching at IDC and am thus learning this lesson once again. I recently listened to a Q&A session at Westminster Theological Seminary with John Piper where he was asked to speak to this very issue. His answer is characteristically wise and helpful.

Any preacher would do well to listen to this challenging and edifying five minute clip.