Old Hymns Made New

I’m surely biased since he’s a good friend, but few modern hymn writers are as good as Matt Boswell. In addition to his many originals Bos has rearranged some old hymns well worth your attention. Here are two you should know about.

The first is “God the Spirit,” a new melodic arrangement of Samuel Stone’s lyrics from 1866. Songs have instructive power and Stone’s hymn is a crash course in pneumatology. The second redone hymn is Henry Allon’s “In the Name of God the Father,” an eloquent tune on the Lord’s Supper. The language on this one is earnest, poetic, and rich. It would be a great preparatory song for the church’s gathering at Jesus’ Table.

How many songs does your church have that explicitly and melodically extol the doctrines of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s Supper? However many you have, I’m sure you’d love to have more! So check out these two old hymns made new.

God the Spirit

Holy fount of inspiration
By whose gift the great of old
Spoke the word of revelation
Marvelous and manifold

God the Spirit we adore Thee,
In the Triune Godhead One
One in love and power and glory
With the Father and the Son

Author of the new creation,
Giver of the second birth
May thy ceaseless renovation
Cleanse our souls from stains of earth

When we wander Lord direct us,
Keep us in the Master’s way
Let they strong swift sword protect us
Warring in the evil day
Shall the church now faint or fear
When the Comforter is near

In the Name of God the Father

In the Name of God the Father,
In the Name of God the Son,
In the Name of God the Spirit,
One in Three, and Three in One;

In the Name which highest Angels
Speak not ere they veil their face,
Crying, Holy, Holy, Holy,”
Come we to this sacred place.

Lo, in wondrous condescension,
Jesus seeks His altar-throne;
Though in lowly symbols hidden,
Faith and love His Presence own.

When the Lord His temple visits,
Let the listening earth be still;
May the Spirit’s sweet indwelling
Each believing heart fulfill.

Here, in Figure represented,
See the Passion once again;
Here behold the Lamb most Holy,
As for our redemption slain;

Here the Saviour’s Body broken,
Here the Blood which Jesus shed,
Now the offer of communion,
Into lasting joy be led.

Here shall highest praise be offered,
Here shall meekest prayer be poured,
Here, with body, soul, and spirit,
God Incarnate be adored.

Holy Jesus, for Thy coming
May Thy love our hearts prepare;
Thine we pray would have them wholly,
Enter, Lord, and tarry there.